Star Trek

 Star Trek 2009 

  • the enemy attacks the spaceship and then requests for the captain to come aboard to discuss with the commander about ceasing fire 
  • the enemy using holographic imaging to display a ship and the face of ambassador Spock 
  • they are able to monitor the physical stats of the captain from the ship 
  • Kirk's wife is about to have a baby amidst the attack 
  • Orchestra music is playing while the ship is being attacked and the wife is giving birth 
  • the ship Captain Kirk is on explodes 
  • James (the son) is now a child and is caught driving a car by a flying plane 
  • Spock's father married a human 
  • Spock's father says that marrying his mother was logical and believes that Spock should be fully Vulcan 
  • Spock is accepted the Vulcan University of Science 
    • while receiving this news they say it is very impressive despite his disadvantage (his human mother) 
    • Spock is the first to decline this acceptance 
  • James is in a bar flirting with Uhura and gets in a fight 
  • Captain Pike intervenes the fight and tries to recruit James to Starfleet 
    •   James is not interested 
  • James changes his mind and when he arrives to the new recruit ship he sees the same men he got into a fight with
3 years later
  • While James is in a simulation he is able to beat Spock's test 
    • he is accused of violating the ethics code of conduct by Spock 
    • James did not experience fear like was expected by the test
  • They go on a mission to assess the condition of Vulcan and aid in any necessary evacuation 
  • James is on academic probation but McCoy devises a plan to get him on the ship 
  • James predicted that Vulcan is being attacked 
  • The enterprise ship is able to teleported James (Kirk/Jim) and Hikaru back onto the ship 
  • The enemy dropped some sort of machine onto Vulcan that will cause the planet to become a black hole
    • Spock attempts to save his parents through teleportation but he was unable to save his mother 
  • Nero, the leader of the enemies, is holding captain Pike hostage 
  • Nero may be heading towards Earth next 
  • James is sent away from the enterprise and lands on a planet where he meets an old age future Spock
    • future Spock explains that the only way he was able to stop the Supernova from causing mass destruction was to turn it into a black hole, this black hole destroyed Romulus which was Nero's planet. Nero is the reason Spock is on the ice planet 
    • In the universe this future Spock lived in James' father lived to see him become captain 
  • "live long and prosper"-future Spock 
  • James is trying to evoke emotion in Spock 
    • He reacts with anger and fights James and is no longer to be captain because he is emotionally compromised 
    • this allows James to become acting captain 
  • Now Spock's father says that he married his mother because he loved her 
  • Spock and Kirk teleport onto Nero's ship 
  • Nero and his cremates are killed 
  • James saves the enterprise 
  • Future Spock tells Spock "put aside logic and do what feels right" 
  • Kirk become the captain of the enterprise 

First Star Trek Episode
  • 1967
  • interracial couple was very controversial at the time 
  • Uhura was played by an African American woman 
  • Video chat
Star Trek: Picard 
  • Replicators 
    • used to 3D print food 
  • Holograms 
  • 3D printing cells 
    • healed wounds quickly
Star Trek: Discovery 
  • "Violence brought respect, respect brought peace" 
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 
  • In the Vulcan tradition the women propose to men 


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