
  • There is a crop shortage and huge dust storms 
  •  Matthew McConaughey is playing Joe Cooper is a farmer 
  • Most people work as farmers 
  • there is no new technology 
  • they now believe that the moon landing was faked 
  • there are no more militaries 
  • Murph thinks that there is a ghost in her room because books keep falling off the shelves 
  • During one of the dust storms the dust that was blown into Murph's room was arranged into perfect lines which turn out to be binary code for coordinates 
  • Cooper and Murph drive to these coordinates where they find the top secret quarters of NASA 
  • They question Cooper on how he found this place 
  • Dr. Brand believed a force brought Cooper there and that he is the one that has to fly the spaceship 
  • On this mission they are traveling to find a new inhabitable planet for humans 
  • When it was time for Cooper to leave Murph was very upset and told him that her books spelt out stay in Morse Code 
  • Their first stop was Miller's planet where one hour is equal to 7 years on Earth 
  • This planet is covered in water and has giant waves, Brand tries to rescue the wrecked shipped resulting in her getting caught in it
    • they had to spend time saving her from the wave which caused the ship to flood
    • this delayed their stay on the planet which delayed their journey by years 
  • When they return to the spaceship 23 years on Earth have passed, Cooper watches video messages from his family 
    • Tom has a wife and a child who passed away, he also said it was time to let go 
    • Murph recorded her first video for her father where she seems resentful of him for not keeping his promise that when he returns they may be the same age 
  • When Doctor Brand is dying he admits that his plan was a lie all along and Murph thinks that her father knew it was a lie 
  • The next stop is Mann's Planet, the whole planet is covered in ice and there is methane in the air making it dangerous to breathe 
    • Here they encounter Mann that has been asleep for years 
    • While Cooper is exploring this planet with Mann, Mann pushes Cooper off of a cliff and begins to break his helmet forcing Cooper to breathe the air in attempts to kill him 
  • Mann admits that the planet is uninhabitable and that he only sent the message so that he could be saved 
  • Cooper is rescued by Brand 
  • Mann is trying to dock the spaceship on the Endurance, he has an unsuccessful lock causing an explosion and the endurance is spinning very fast 
  • Cooper is still able to dock the other spaceship 
  • They have no more supplies to make it back to Earth so they head towards the third planet 
  • In order to get to Edmond's planet they need to slingshot around Gargantua 
  • Cooper detaches himself so that Mann can hopefully make it to the planet while he is sucked into the black hole 
  • He ends up in some sort of multiverse, surrounded by things that look like bookcases 
  • He knocks the books down and sees young Murph 
  • He uses Morse Code to spell stay with the books which connects to the beginning of the movie 
    • Cooper should have listened to Murph when she begged him to not go 
  • Murph was able to complete the equation 
  • Cooper wakes up in a hospital bed where he is 124 years old
  • Murph was able to carry out Plan A 
  • Cooper sees Murph while she is on her deathbed, she is surrounded by her kids and grandkids 
  • Brand ended up landing on Edmond's which is inhabitable 


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