1982 Blade Runner
· Blade runner
o This movie is supposed to represent 2019
o It always looks like nighttime- no sunshine
o Minimal electronic music by Vangelis
o Replicants are robots
§ Extremely realistic
§ Used as slave labor
§ Became illegal
§ Blade runners are employed to kill the replicants
o Flying cars are seen once again
o Off-world colony
§ Where the replicants are
§ Another place for people to live besides Earth
o A couple replicants jumped a plane from the off-world colony and came to earth
o Deckard- a blade runner- is tasked to catch them because he is the best in the game
o 6 replicants- 3 male and 3 female
§ Leon is a Nexus 6 Replicant
§ Nexus 6 Roy Batty- Combat model (probably leader)
§ Zhora- beauty and the beast
§ Pris- standard model for military
o They copy human beings in every way except emotions but they are expected to develop their own emotions in time
§ Expiration date of four years
o “More human than human” is their motto
§ The replicant Rachel doesn’t even know that she’s a replicant
o They want to implant memories into the replicants
o The two replicants go into a place called eye world that has a black circle with red surrounding it as the symbol- resembles the ever- seeing eye of HAL
§ The place where they design eyes for the nexus
o Tyrell is the corporation that designs the replicants
o Phone booth has facetime like in space odyssey
§ 1.25
o Leon attacks Deckard and tries to kill him
§ Rachel shoots Leon
o Rachel “I am not in the business, I am the business.”
o Deckard kisses Rachel but she has no expression on her face and runs out
o Deckard runs after her and forces her to keep kissing him
§ Tells her to say “kiss me” and “I want you”
o In certain lightings Rachel’s and the other robot’s (Pris) pupils glow yellowish orange resembling HAL
o J.F Sebastian makes friends for himself (robots)
o Pris “I think therefore I am”
o J.F “there is a little bit of me in you”
§ Him and the robots both are awaiting early deaths
o Roy crushes Tyrell’s skull and gouges his eyes out because he did not have a way to make him live longer
o When Deckard shoots Pris she goes into a shock, flopping around like a fish out of water and screaming
o Roy takes Pris’ blood and wipes it on his lips
o Roy begins running around and howling like an animal on the hunt
o You can tell by Roy’s decaying finger nails that his time is coming
o Roy and Deckard are running around and fighting each other when Deckard attempts to jump on the roof of another building and does not make it
o Roy follows Deckard onto the roof and helps him up
o Roy “Quite an experience to live in fear, that’s what it is to be a slave.”
o Roy is talking to Deckard “quote for homework”
§ It was his final speech at the end he said “time to die”
§ Roy was aware the end was near
§ All the things he saw and experienced would disappear with him- memories, ideas, knowledge that he never told
o Deckard “The Bladerunner” fell in love with a replicant
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